Frequently Asked Questions
On this page, will find some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, we encourage you to contact us.
Does BPS only admit students at the beginning of the school year?
No. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. However, space is limited. Students who apply after the grade level has reached capacity will be placed on our waitlist.
Is there a fee to apply to BPS?
No, there is no fee to apply for or to attend BPS.
What happens after my child’s application is submitted?
After your application is submitted, it is processed and placed on the waitlist in the order we receive it. We recommend prospective families review our Enrollment Policy for additional information.
How can I schedule a tour?
We offer group tours every January. To schedule an individual tour at any other time, email our CEO at
What are the start and end times for the 2024-25 school year?
For students in Grades K-5, school begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. All K-5 students must be picked up by 3 PM, unless enrolled in the After School Program.
For students in Grades 6-12, school begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. All 6-12 students must be picked up by 3:30 PM, unless enrolled in the After School Program.
Students in all grade levels can be dropped off beginning at 7:00 AM.
Are students required to wear uniforms?
Yes. For students in Grades K-5, students may wear any color polo (collared) shirt and blue, khaki, or black pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers. Shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be no more than three inches above the knee. School spiritwear is also permitted daily. Leggings can only be worn under a skirt or dress. Jeggings, yoga pants, and other compression-style garments are prohibited to wear at all times. Shoes must have a back. Crocs, slides, slippers, and flip flops are not allowed.
Grades 6-12, students may wear any t-shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, polo, button-up, or blouse affiliated with BPS, a college/university, or a branch of the military. Athletic branding on a t-shirt is also acceptable. Students may not wear any tops affiliated with another K-12 school. Jeans, pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers may be of any color, but should not have rips or tears.
Shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be fingertip length. Leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, any type of compression-style garment, athletic shorts, and sweatpants are not permitted. Seniors have the Senior Privilege of wearing their Senior ‘25 sweatpants. Shoes must have a back. Crocs, slides, slippers, and flip flops are not allowed.
Does BPS provide a bus service?
BPS does not offer bus transportation. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for their children.
Is BPS affiliated with any other school?
BPS is part of the South Carolina Public Charter School District. A charter school is a public school with specific goals and operating procedures detailed in an agreement, or charter. Charter schools receive state funding and are not private schools. They are tuition-free, non-sectarian, and open to any student, regardless of his or her place of residence. Students must apply to charter schools, unlike public schools where students attend the school they are zoned to attend.
What is Paideia?
Paideia is a holistic, whole child approach to life-long learning with roots in ancient Greece. In contemporary schools across the United States, Paideia is a set of beliefs about education including active and rigorous teaching methods.
My child has specific learning needs. What services does BPS offer?
BPS values and celebrates all learners in our community for their unique contributions, backgrounds, and learning abilities. Our culture of inclusion is founded on a personalized approach to meeting our students' individual needs so that every student is challenged and supported and has access to the education they deserve.
Visit the Student Support Services page for additional information.
How many students currently attend BPS? What is the average class size?
Our current enrollment is around 1,500 students. Each classroom is limited to a maximum of 24 students, with the exception of our Advanced Placement classrooms.