Online Payment Information 

Throughout the year, parents may need to make an online payment. Payments can be made by visiting OrgsOnline.

Examples of items that can be paid for online are:

  • Annual Student Fee
  • After School Payments
  • Student Parking Permits
  • Donations
  • Field Trip Payments
  • Yearbook Purchases
  • SLED Request Fees
  • Event Ticket Sales (Prom, Dances, etc.)
  • Special Events (Golf Tounament, Cook-Off, etc.)
  • Special Class or Activity Payments

You will be required to set up an account for online payments.

The steps to create an account are:

  1. Visit OrgsOnline
  2. Click "Create New Account"
  3. Enter your information as prompted
  4. Use School Code:  404BPSSC